These notes were taken by someone during the testimony time in the Trivandrum seminar.
He was the only person who got saved from his family. Because he loved Christ there was great rejection from his family. Because of this he became very anguished in his Spirit and shouted at his wife and children. He came to the meeting. During the ministry time he felt a manifestation in his body and so he went forward for prayer. In the midst of the prayer he felt the spirit of rejection leaving his body.
Also his father is a teacher and practioner of malyalam martial arts (kalani payetu) where lots of chanting and sacrifice is made to a Hindu God. He felt that is also the carse and the bondage of that God left him.
Also he received deliverance from a stomach problem that had haunted him for 34 years causing bleeding. He received full deliverance from the Lord for that.
“Praise the Lord”