Healing Foundations, Zimbabwe 2015
Experience the atmosphere and feel the joy, that is only possible when our lives are established on a healing foundation. A film about a trip to lay some spiritual foundations for a new church with outreach meetings and a conference in Harare, Zimbabwe. Meet Vito who deals with some bad roots and receives joy and find out what happens to a tent that lacks a foundation.
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So what are the healing foundations?
Jesus put it like this: He who hears my words and obeys them is like a man who builds his house on a rock. So the foundation for a life that will stand in a storm is obedience to the commands of Jesus. But Jesus was much more than an ethical teacher. He was the embodiment of the divine, the revelation of the Father heart of God and the power of life itself. Jesus says of himself in Luke 4:18 that he came to preach, to heal and deliver. His healing covered broken hearts – the inner person and physical problems – like blind eyes. And he came to set free the oppressed. So the ministry of Jesus was a ministry of healing and deliverance.
So any discussion of healing has to centre on an encounter with Jesus himself. The Bible talks about the Church as the Body of Christ and we find that God created mankind because he wanted a family. So an encounter with Christ is facilitated by the family of God – the church. That is where we can learn the elementary teachings of Christ and receive the power of the Holy Spirit as we seek God together and through impartation from anointed people who have pioneered the way through their walk with God.
When we talked about healing we covered topics such as Your True Identity, The Family of God, Inner Healing, Forgiveness, The Divine Exchange, Impartation, Rooting and Grounding etc…
When we talked about doctrinal foundations for a new church we referred to Hebrews 6, where we read about the elementary or foundational doctrines.
- Repentance from dead works
- Faith towards God
- Baptisms (Water, Spirit & Fire)
- Laying on of Hands
- Resurrection from the dead
- Eternal Judgement