Take the sword of the spirit. The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God – these are the biblical truths that enable us to understand which thoughts are true – from God, and which thoughts are lies of the enemy or impulses of our flesh or soul.”

Elisabeth Taylor

Elisabeth Taylor

How can I keep my healing?

by Elisabeth Taylor

You have received healing or deliverance and feel undescribably happy. After 2-3 days you may suddenly have symptoms again. Doubts arise. You think, “Maybe the healing prayer didn’t work after all” This is the devil’s strategy. He is waiting for a crack in your life where he can slip back in. These gaps can be opened by fear and doubt or negative words, disagreements, quarrels, ingratitude, etc. If you go done this path, when old symptoms appear, you will not be able to send them away. Beware of this process.

Instead, take the sword of the spirit. The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God – these are the biblical truths that enable us to understand which thoughts are true – from God, and which thoughts are lies of the enemy or impulses of our flesh or soul.

After the healing or deliverance,

  • surrender your whole life, spirit, soul and body, to Jesus Christ. The spirit should and rule your whole life. He should be at the wheel.
  • Give the Holy Spirit the lead in your life. Let Him baptize you.
  • Pay attention to your thoughts and words and don’t allow anything negative to take root.
  • If doubts arise, reject them immediately. Proclaim the word of God.
  • Read the Bible daily, memorize verses and use them to defeat the devil; for example Isaiah 53.5 with his wounds I am healed
  • Forgive everyone who has hurt you.
  • As soon as someone annoys you, forgive. Unforgiveness is one of the biggest open doors or windows. Do not tolerate unforgiveness. Otherwise, it will also become your largest
  • sin and it will lead to prison and torture. Matthew 18.21-35.
  • In our book Ministering Below the Surface, you will find a daily prayer at the end of Part 2 that will help you.

Hold on to what He has done and you will fully experience your healing or deliverance. Proclaim victory, health, salvation through Jesus Christ. Ephesians 6.10-18.

Example from my life

Chest pain due to unforgiveness

I had great difficulty forgiving my husband’s boss. He plagued Albert regularly, out of envy. Although I regularly voiced forgiveness, I couldn’t find peace inside. Chest pains started. At a healing service, I was asked if I needed to forgive someone. I said, “Yes, but I’ve done that before”. So the servant of God prayed with me and sent away the spirit of unforgiveness. The resentment and pain left me.

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