
Free and Healed quick report

I spent the Free and Healed conference teaching from the Bible to show that while religion focuses on how bad…

Er müsste schon längst tot sein

free+healded Seminar in Weinfelden in July 2014 “Der Geist des Friedens” Aus der Thurgauer Zeitung. July 30 2014: Ghaffar Bhatti müsste längst tot…

Hope Trip Zimbabwe Film

This is a mission trip report/mini documentary that highlights the connection between teaching on forgiveness and the flow of God’s healing…

Faith and snake bites

If you’ve been a christian for any length of time you’re you will I’m sure have stories of people who…

What we do is biblical

Despite the overwhelming evidence that God is alive and working today, healing people, touching people and delivering people some famous…

God Almighty or the Lord of Hosts?

Debates about which Bible translation is best are nothing new, as scholars argue about accuracy while evangelists espouse the importance…

LOL – and the public disgrace

He disarmed the rulers and authorities and disgraced them publicly; He triumphed over them by Him. Colossians 2:15 LOL is…