Free and Healed quick report

I spent the Free and Healed conference teaching from the Bible to show that while religion focuses on how bad we are, the message of the Bible and Jesus is about how amazing we/life can be when we are connected to God in a relationship of faith and open to a process of inner healing, deliverance and renewing of our thinking. Jesus promised that miracles will be signs that accompany the teaching of his truths. And we were grateful to him confirming the words I shared.

On night 1, we had a guy whose ankle was damaged in a lawn mower accident 30 years ago, he had a limp and pain increasing with age and complications. The Lord took away his pain to such an extent that he was able to go for a 30 minute walk in the days following.

As I was preparing for this trip, God told me he would heal someone with Haemophilia. I announced this on the first night, and the group was so small that statistically there was a very low chance of this being chance. A lady responded saying after having had weeks of stomach pain she had just gone to the doctor and received the diagnosis of internal bleeding due to haemophilia that morning. As we prayed the Lord immediately took away the pain and it has not returned since. She is looking forward to medical confirmation of her miracle.

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Peter prayed for a lady who had a hip injury and after he led her in searching her heart and forgiving someone, she noticed that her hip was now healed.

On Friday night an elderly lady manifested a strong demon when we dealt with the spirit of depression and indeed it turned out she was has been on anti-depressants for a long time. She returned today felling much better and looking much happier. Isa shared words from the Lord with many people and they came back the next day with changed faces – radiant. Others felt the power of God, release, refreshing. One guy felt like he was getting a blood transfusion (that was also on the pre-conference prayer list).

A young man with a lazy eye since birth was knocked out with the power of God as I asked God to take him out and operate on him to show his love and rewire his eye muscles. When he came too he looked at me with his eyes perfectly aligned. He said that used to be possible with effort but now it required only minimal concentration to keep his eyes looking in the same direction.


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