What are the different types of Christian small groups? What is the difference between a fellowship group and a discipleship group? How do the roles of leaders differ in each type of group?
  1. Bible Study Groups: These groups focus on studying and discussing specific passages or books of the Bible. They often use a study guide or curriculum to guide their discussions.
  2. Fellowship Groups: These groups are focused on building relationships and community among members. They may meet for social activities, meals, or service projects.
  3. Discipleship Groups: These groups focus on helping members grow in their faith and understanding of the Bible. They may use a curriculum or mentor-mentee model to guide discussions and provide guidance for spiritual growth.
  4. Prayer Groups: These groups focus on prayer and intercession for specific needs or causes. They may also include worship and Bible study.
  5. Support Groups: These groups provide support and care for individuals facing specific challenges such as addiction, grief, or health issues.

The difference between a fellowship group and a discipleship group is that a fellowship group is focused on building relationships and community among members, while a discipleship group is focused on helping members grow in their faith and understanding of the Bible.

The roles of leaders in each type of group may differ. In a Bible study group, the leader may be responsible for leading discussions and interpreting the passage being studied. In a fellowship group, the leader may be responsible for organizing social activities and building relationships among members. In a discipleship group, the leader may be responsible for leading spiritual growth and mentoring members. In a prayer group, the leader may be responsible for leading worship and guiding members in prayer. In a support group, the leader may be responsible for providing guidance and support to members facing specific challenges

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