International mission

Go! and these signs will follow 

We believe that while the West is now post-Christian, and urgently needs revival, there are many places where the Gospel has never really been preached. In our short mission trips to remote areas or unreached people groups, we partner with local Christians who are called to the unreached and empower them through teaching, demonstration and activation.

Heart to heart connections

We work in countries where the Lord establishes a heart-to-heart relationship with an indigenous/local leader, with an effective and healthy ministry. Typically we go for 2 weeks and combine a conference organised by our local partners with a series of public outreach meetings. That way we can go deep with leaders and multipliers and also partner with them to impact whole communities.

Our experience

We have been doing crusades and empowering church leaders in Pakistan since 2012. In South India, where restrictions on foreign speakers are tighter than in Pakistan, we combined church conferences with house cell visits where we ministered in up to 3 house cells per night. In Zimbabwe, we are working with a ministry with over 14 churches across the country. In Kenya, we are partnering with Christ Centred Transformation across Northern Kenya and Women-in-tune based in Nairobi.We have also ministered in Thailand, Portugal, Finnland and the USA.

Our international mission trips change lives

Mission blog

Called+Empowered 3 – Documentary Film

After the building next to our hotel explodes – the GKCM/free+healed team are forced to ask the question of whether they have heard God right to come to KPK Province in the North of Pakistan. A small free+healed team travels to KPK one of the most dangerous corners of Pakistan with the GKCM team. Building on transformation in Lahore and revival in the Jaranwala region, they take the Called+Empowered message to the church in Peshawar region.

Pakistani Music Video Clip

During the 2024 mission trip to KPK Pakistan, we produced a music video clip for Shahryar Sadiq. This life-changing mission in Pakistan, is captured in the “Naal Jahova” music video. Witness the joy of local believers as they see God’s protection and healing.

A challenging but fruitful start

Review of our first mission trip to KPK Pakistan.
An in-depth review of this challenging but impactful trip which included meeting with Pastors from Jaranwala.

Dr Micah Moenga; head of Theology Department at PAC University Nairobi

Supernatural, academic and practical impartation

Dr Moenga Head of the School of Theology at PAC University trains and equips students from all over Africa. In this interview, he talks about being Called and Empowered and the challenges of equipping students for practical supernatural ministry.

Called+Empowered – Kenya Mission Trip 2023

August 2023. Lodwar and Nairobi. Three days of intensive training followed by 2 days of crusades in each location. You will be equipped to understand the calling and be empowered to do the same works as Jesus did.
Registration is required for conference day sessions. Evening revival meetings will be open to the public.

Samburu lady

Hospital bed sides vs Healing meetings

If you were for real, you would go and pray for people in hospitals rather than inviting people to a meeting! Answering an angry critic, with the example of what happened when Lucy started healing people in hospitals.

Fan of God film

One night in Gojra follows Dave and Ghaffar to Gojra, connecting the tragic events of 2009 with their 2012 and 2022 crusade meetings and showing that the preaching and demonstration of the Gospel is the hope for reconciliation in communities all over the world.

A flood of miracles: Pakistan 2022

An amazing flow of miracles in Pakistan 2022 Praise God for eight wonderful, blessed days of crusades and leader training seminars where we saw the amazing power of the Lord…

Hope Trip Binga Report (pdf)

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported our recent ‘Hope Trip Binga’. We were able to sow seeds of transformation in one of the most neglected regions of the country. This in-depth trip report covers all the highs and challenges of the trip.

Hope Trip Binga-Zimbabwe

The video below introduces the team, our heart and vision and will encourage you with miracle testimonies that the free+healed team has experienced in Zimbabwe and other parts of the…
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