
David M. Taylor with Isabella Taylor

Empowered and experienced

David and his wife Isabella founded free+healed in 2009 after experiencing God in a revival and completing an intensive 3-month apostolic ministry training at the Rechobot Revival Training School.

Sine then they have seen an increase in the anointing and grace of God in his ministry and has witnessed many miracles, signs, and wonders of both inner and outer healing, deliverance, and restoration in countries such as India, Pakistan, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Switzerland and Portugal.

In 2020 the Lord made it more and more clear that David should be ministering full time. Today they are involved in local church groups and ministers beyond denominational boundaries both locally and internationally.

Faith backgrounds

As a missionary kid, in East Africa and the UK, David grew up with a solid biblical foundation and plenty of practical ministry experience in the Anglican church and the charismatic movement. He heard the call of God on his life to apostolic service in his early teens and also witnessed the power of God and the reality of the spiritual world many times. However, his reactions to disappointments with church leaders, prevented him from growing in the Lord and stepping into his calling for many years. Isabella was raised a non-practicing Catholic and met the Lord dramatically as an adult. Besides our jobs, over the years, we served in seeker-sensitive churches, traditional churches and house church movements.

Professional backgrounds

David obtained his Masters in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University before moving to Switzerland where he worked as a music producer, marketing writer and creative consultant. Isabella has worked in tourism and travel and as a marketing planner, she led the Swiss relief fund-raising efforts at World Vision for 7 years.

We call and empower people to live their fullest potential in Christ.

David M. Taylor & Isabella

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