Heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported our recent ‘Hope Trip Binga’. We were able to sow seeds of transformation in one of the most neglected regions of the country. This in-depth trip report covers all the highs and challenges of the trip.
Building on a friendship from David and Isabella’s Revival Training School time, we work with a local church movement in Zimbabwe. Zim, is a predominantly Christian country, where there is freedom of worship. However, the country has failed to establish a culture of openness that would allow healthy economic and political development. On the contrary, with the infrastructure crumbling, the hardship is increasing and people are desperate for any kind of supernatural help.
In this atmosphere, GHM Ministries is pushing ahead with church planting in Harare and in remote rural regions. Thanks to miracles, signs and wonders the church is growing through new conversions rather than church transfers. As guest ministers we have supported this growth with the sound biblical teaching and the ministry of inner healing and deliverance.