Learning how not to do things

When we moved to this area, we were associated with a particular house church network. We came here to learn and much of what we learnt was how not to do things. This experience has fine tuned us to areas of spiritual pride in our own lives and we have come out of it with a greater appreciation of the diversity of the Body of Christ and we hope, with humility. It is also clearer than ever that all spiritual activities – whether intercession, prophecy or spiritual warfare needs to be earthed in relationships which extend beyond people who share the same views and tested against the simple tasks of the great commision. True religion as described in James is to care for widows and orphans – so to be against religion is not good enough. What are we for? And unity is not something that we can attain by establishing an US and THEM mentality and then excluding all who think differently. Jesus performed a prophetic act when he forgave the sins of the paralytic – but when asked if he had the authority to do that he proved IMMEDIATELY that he did, by promptly healing the man.

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