Patterns and exceptions in the healing ministry: I have had the privilege of God opening blind eyes several times. The first was in Zimbabwe in 2016 when the Lord opened Evermore’s eyes. Since then, we have experienced this miracle time and again, as can be seen most recently in our two Called+Empowered documentaries.
Physical Healing
Do you want to see miracles?
Everywhere we go, be it abroad or in Switzerland, we experience healing miracles. Do you want to see miracles too? Are there any secrets or principles that are important for this? Then this short film is for you.
Hope Trip Binga Report (pdf)
Heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported our recent ‘Hope Trip Binga’. We were able to sow seeds of transformation in one of the most neglected regions of the country. This in-depth trip report covers all the highs and challenges of the trip.
Lazy eye healed and more testimonies
I felt the power of God just pouring into me Philip had a lazy eye since birth. I asked my…
Healing Foundations Conference
Healing Foundations, Zimbabwe 2015 Experience the atmosphere and feel the joy, that is only possible when our lives are established…
The heart to serve
Martin Toga and David Taylor talking about what just happened at the Great Harverst Focus Conference in Gweru, Zimbabwe. We…
Free and Healed quick report
I spent the Free and Healed conference teaching from the Bible to show that while religion focuses on how bad…
Miracle neck healing and Hug from God
Remembering the great things God has done is the best way to build your faith for new breakthroughs. In this…
Er müsste schon längst tot sein
free+healded Seminar in Weinfelden in July 2014 “Der Geist des Friedens” Aus der Thurgauer Zeitung. July 30 2014: Ghaffar Bhatti müsste längst tot…
The Prince of Peace and the Two Swords
When I heard of the mass-shooting in Sandy Hook elementary school, I was deeply moved and cried out to…