Past events

See what you missed with reports and video from past freedom and healing events

Revival Seminar Vineyard Hombrechtikon

Sat – Sun. 7.-8. September 2024
free+healed revival Seminar with Healing Service. Come and learn what it means to be a waymaker, miracle worker, light in the darkness and how to help and heal others through faith in Jesus Christ.

Revival Seminar Werdinsel 1 in Zurich

Sat – Sun. June 8-9, 24

Revival Seminar – Think and act like Jesus. Come into your calling, strengthen your faith and learn to do the works of Jesus. (Mark 16).

f+h Trainingswochenende Stockach / DE

Fr. – So. 24.-26. Nov 23

Berufen zur Freiheit. Training Weekend. Komm in deine Berufung, stärke deinen Glauben und lerne die Werke Jesu zu tun. (Markus 16). Sechs Sessio

Called+Empowered – Kenya Mission Trip 2023

August 2023. Lodwar and Nairobi. Three days of intensive training followed by 2 days of crusades in each location. You will be equipped to understand the calling and be empowered to do the same works as Jesus did.
Registration is required for conference day sessions. Evening revival meetings will be open to the public.

Albert Taylor † 5.9.2017

on 5th September the world lost a great man, Albert Taylor was a pioneer missionary, as well as a teacher and practitioner of inner healing and deliverance.

Hope Trip Binga Report (pdf)

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported our recent ‘Hope Trip Binga’. We were able to sow seeds of transformation in one of the most neglected regions of the country. This in-depth trip report covers all the highs and challenges of the trip.

The higher name 8/9

16 Aug – Sunday service and third crusade The final morning session in the Vonmark hotel was a church service.…
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