In the past two weeks, I was deeply moved and excited in my spirit by the words of a Martin Pepper song.
It is a wonderful expression of what I sense in my spirit for the Refresh ministry trips and for daily encounters in 2013.
As I was soaking in these words and Martin’s music, I felt I was feeling something that God is preparing
That is why I felt so excited by the refrain. It is about the Heavenly Hosts that are already mobilising.
… denn wir hören seine Stimme, und die Sonne geht schon auf.
Es ist Zeit, den Herrn zu suchen , unsere Herzen werden warm,
denn der Tag ist schon ganz nahe ; und so viele sind noch arm.
Heiliger Herr, Herr der Heerscharen, wir preisen Deine Macht.
Du gehst voran wie die strahlende Sonne
und führst uns aus der Nacht.
Jeden Ort, auf den wir treten, gibst Du uns in unsere Hand;
Die Gefangenen auf dem Wege, schließen sich dem Zuge an,
ihre Ketten werden brechen, denn sie beten mit uns an.
Text und Musik: Martin Pepper © 1993 mc-peppersongs
For we hear his voice, the sun is rising
It is time to seek God, our hearts are warmed
For the day is very near, and so many are still poor
Holy Lord, Lord of Hosts, we praise your might
You go ahead like the shining sun
And you lead us out of the night
Every place which we step, you give into our hand
Those who are bound, join the procession
their chains are broken and they worship with us
I am listening to the song, which has a dramatic sense of urgency but also a total mood of sovereignty. Martin sings so simply and effortlessly, while delay guitars and synths bubbly happily and I feel to share this declaration with you for edification.
So how does this work in daily life, when I am not on a trip. Well simply, every encounter is an opportunity. I don’t make a distinction between ministry and business. I do my job as a professional, but I when I got a business meeting I don’t pray for the deal, I pray for the clients. I pray for their private lives and their souls. And God moves. Teams that are divided find agreement. A customer becomes a friend and shares his hopes and disappointments and fears. Isa and I visit him privately and pray for healing. A 10 year battle against a disease is won. The process of following Christ as friends goes to the next level.
This is life when we are conscious that we go as a herald of the Holy Lord, Lord of Hosts.
But notice it begins with the Holy Lord: Christ is my righteousness, but holiness is my calling and my gig. I can choose what I consume. Do I eat junk food or Bio food? Do I watch trash on TV or do I feed on the Word of God and the testimonies of the great works of God that are sweeping this planet.
On Sunday, I’ll be preaching again locally at a youth event. I’ll will be seeking the face of God and enjoying his presence as I prepare, secure in the knowledge that the Holy Lord, the Lord of Hosts will give me the ground I set my foot on. We will see breakthroughs. One of the young leaders saw an inner vision of red boxing gloves. The Word of God will be invincible, it will pack a powerful punch, because he is the Lord of Hosts and the Hosts of Hell will be powerless. Chains will break and the captives will join us in worship of the Holy Lord.
I am so excited.