What we do is biblical

Despite the overwhelming evidence that God is alive and working today, healing people, touching people and delivering people some famous exponents of conservative organised religion claim the opposite. They see in all the reports of miracles and moves of the Holy Spirit an end times deception. To simplify matters, this position is called Cessationism. It is based on a strange theology which claims that miracles ceased after the death of the twelve apostles.

Mark 16:17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Notice the promise is to “those who believe” – “they” shall experience these things.

So it seems in the words of Jesus there is no limitation or restriction. It is really that simple.
That not all are healed, that not all healers are perfect etc. is clear.

In our film from Pakistan you will see a testimony of a girl healed of a fist sized tumour and delivered from an evil spirit.

Most people who have problems with miracles and talk about end times deception never cast out a single demon. Maybe they need to explore that question too. Because healing the sick and casting out demons go hand in hand in the ministry of Jesus and his followers. If the need for healing ceased then does that mean that the need for deliverance ceased. If that is the case how can there be deceptive spirits still at work? You see this shows who is really being logical and who has a renewed mind.

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