Pastors and leaders training 3/9

On Wednesday we drove about four hours south through gorgeous hilly terrain to reach Ogembo, where we began a two day pastors and leaders training seminar. The attendance built from 30 on day one to 50 on day two. The idea was that they would then be part of the team as we began public meetings and crusades on Wednesday.

Joseph Tea writes:

David taught on the presence of the Spirit (Jesus at baptism) versus the fullness of the Spirit (Jesus after fasting 40 days). Going from measure to fullness. He used the three temptations of Jesus to illustrate how we triumph over the flesh (stones to bread) the desire for power and riches (kingdoms of this world) and the temptations of a religious career based on showmanship (the pinnacle of the temple).

We are all called to be Christ like and minister in the fullness of the power of the Spirit. But it will not happen unless we pass these tests and learn to subdue our bodies, our desire for power and our desire for prestige.

In the after lunch worship session 4 or 5 people were powerfully touched crying and shaking strongly. David did the next session on Luke 4.18 where Jesus fulfils Isaiah 61. Focuses on how Jesus’ – and our – assignment includes inner healing for the broken-hearted, and led forgiving others and healing of memories, where many people were touched. He asked who felt a pain or heaviness in the stomach, about a quarter responded, and we prayed for them. Some shared testimonies, others had not yet had breakthrough so he invited those to stay behind for deeper ministry.  

On the second day Joseph Tea taught on intimacy with Jesus and the Father and then he headed off to do a youth meeting with Sam and the local youth.

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