This is a repost from last year’s article. I am sharing it for a couple in Zurich who I just heard are facing a similar situation.
“A miracle for a pregnant mother
As we are learning to tap into the power of God’s love I found myself doing very unusual things. Ghaffar comes off the phone. He has just spoken with a pregnant woman in Lahore that we prayed for the previous Sunday. Sonia’s ultrasound had indicated a severe case of Hydrocephalus – water on the brain. An abortion would almost cetainly be recommended.
Two weeks before this trip Bob Hazlett had prophesied that my wife Isa would start to have an anointing for healing of brains. Now alone in Lahore, I imagined myself holding Isabelle’s hand in my left hand as I held the Sonia’s hand in my right hand. “Lord let that word become true now. Let the healing anointing for brains flow through me to this baby” I prayed. As I pictured the connection being made I felt nothing but Sonia’s hand began to vibrate powerfully. She said she felt the power of God flowing into her body.
Now as we are travelling we remembered to call her to ask what happened at the hospital. “Good news” smiles Ghaffar “They did another scan and the baby is perfect”. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Father for confirming you love and honoring our faith like this. At moments like this I am overwhelmed by the fear of the Lord. It is a weighty feeling of awe and reverence, mixed with an awareness of the sheer privilege to be part of such happenings.
Read the whole original post “Reflections from an Orphan Nation“
I just read the email from the couple in question here in Switzerland who have shared their similar situation as a prayer request.
I started praying and pressing into the Father to ask him what to do. I feel the parents pain and I feel the Father’s compassion. Then I feel the fear of God. It is that trepidation of knowing that we have been entrusted with treasure in earthen vessels. Without him I am nothing. Without his grace I am nothing. Yet he has entrusted me with something – a secret, an experience, a divine channel or connection. It reminds of a dream the Lord once gave me.
I was told there was a secret passage behind a wall that would give us access to the fire escape. We could not find the hidden button. We searched and searched. Every now and then I walked to a hige window and watched huge dinosaur like beings fighting. Then I returned to seek the button. Finally I found it and the wall exploded. It was not one of those hidden trap doors that open and close to remain hidden. Once opened it could not be closed. I asked the Lord what it meant and after a long time he seemed to say, once we find the key the door is open for everyone else to enter.
We see this again and again in the life of Jesus – he presses into the Father to make a connection between heaven and earth and then he says to his disciples – go ahead – you do the same thing. Notice how none of his disciples had to go through the same wilderness experience or go to the cross to receive the authority that is imparted to them. Jesus does the hard work to create the breakthrough. He breaks the hole in the wall so that we can all enter the fire escape literally and easily.
I want to follow this thought more but right now I just need to get this post out their to build the faith of all our friends praying for P+S.
44 Comments. Leave new
Please ask you wife to pray healing upon us. The doctor just told us this afternoon about hydrocephallus. We dont know what to do. Please.
Hi, I am 22 weeks pregnant and my last scan showed part of the brain parically missing, a heart problems and club foot, I know how great God is so I ask that anyone reading this can pray for healing on my baby, thank you so much, God bless
Dear Chloe,
In the Name of Jesus, We pray that your child be made whole and that all development be normal and normalised from this day forth.
We break the power of every generational curse over you according to Ezekiel 18. The child will not be malformed on account of the sins of the parents.
And as for the Doctors report we declare
Romans 3:4 New King James Version (NKJV)
4 Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written:
“That You may be justified in Your words,
So Chloe start to declare the promises of the Lord and his blessings over your child
My sister is 18 weeks pregnant and has learned of a diagnosis that affects her baby’s muscles – doctors claiming she will never walk and also that she is not eating so no stomach maybe her jaw muscles or swallowing muscles don’t work 23 believe in the power of prayer and healing. Please whoever reads this claim it with us a healing this baby girl. God is not done with her yet we believe He will heal and make her whole!
Dear Liz, apologies for not replying til now. We were ministering in the Middle East when your note came in and forget to write back. But certainly I agree with you and claim for healing for this baby girl. In the name of Jesus I cancel the words of the doctor and in the name of Jesus I declare that all development be normalised in that child. Is the mother baptised?
Hello , i read your story and many others sobbing today! My perfect little girl alice is 29 weeks along and has a small cerrebellum, this could leave her disabled unable to walk and speak. I believe the lord is using this moment to draw me closer. THAT it has!!! Please pray for a healing in baby alice, i believe the lord can heal her with all my heart . Thank you!
Dear Alissah, This is my prayer for you:
I declare now in the name of Jesus that this doctors report be cancelled. Let there be a perfect cerebellum for Alice. I break every generational curse that may be upon you, because Jesus was made a curse for all who believe through his death on the cross and so according to the prophecy of Ezekiel 18, generational curses shall no longer operate among the people of God. I loose you Alissah and Alice into perfect health and normal development to grow as a perfect unity in the love of the Lord, and I bind the plans of the enemy to take captive the little girl. Let healing flow in Jesus Name. Amen.
Now I encourage you and your family/church family to do the same.
Please let us know what happens.
My last scan shows large ventricles and little brain mantle with talipes… I want to have a healthy baby without any abnormality in Jesus name by my next scan in 2 days time I want everything to be normal.. God has kept this baby thus far… I want a miracle in Jesus name
Please pray for my daughter and her unborn baby. Yesterday we were told the baby has Spina Bifita. We are so scared, in shock and feeling helpless. She sees a specialist tomorrow. We want perfect health. Nothing less. Thank you. Zana
Hello David, I would love you to pray for me. I’m 13 weeks pregnant and on my scan today I was told there is a chance our baby could have Spina Bifida. We’re seeking god and praying for divine intervention, we need a miracle. I have another scan in 3 weeks. Please pray with us. Thank you. Carly
I found out on labor day my daughter has anecepaly no brain, skull, or scalp. I believe Jesus is going to heal her fully ..can you please pray for her? Babies name is Raelyn Faith Upchurch my name is Krystalyn Trammel thank you so much
Please pray for my daughter Raelyn she has been diagnosed with anecephaly she has no brain skull or scalp. I’m so scared i want her healed so bad I refuse to let her die . Please pray were running out of time until the birth . Thank you
Hello. I am 6 months pregnant now and we just learned from this month’s prenatal checkup that my baby has a cleft lip and possible cleft palate, too. Please pray for my baby. Please help me pray to God that my baby girl will be completely healed. I feel so down upon knowing my baby’s situation. How could this happen when I am very careful about my pregnancy? But I strongly believe that this is just a test of faith. I know God loves us all so much. And He loves my baby, too. He will completely heal my baby. Please include us in your prayers. Thank you so much.
From Philippines
Please pray for a miracle for my unborn son who is suspected of a heart defect i pray for a miracle please thst every artery in my unborn baby sons heart be renewed. And my brother with a brain avm I pray for a healing for him as he awaits a major brain op please in jesus name
I feel so encouraged by this testimony. I just recently had a series of scans and the Doctor’s have informed us of a cleft lip and potential symbrachydactyly (webbing in the left hand). They have recommended amniocentesis to rule out any other issues and though initially I was shocked and overwhelmed by this report, I realize it doesn’t have to be my final report , we have continuously warded of fears throughout this pregnancy, bleeding and other high risk concerns. I am just asking you to pray with me and come in agreement that them Lord will heal our little girl and there will be no defect or abnormality or sickness, diseases or syndromes genetic or chromosomal. Thank you.
Our unborn baby has also been diagnosed with hydrocephalus and upon reading this ,I strongly believe that God will heal her before she is born in the name of Jesus
Kindly pray for my unborn child who has been diagnosed with csf
Kindly remember me in prayers for my unborn baby girl who’s scan shows hydrocephalus
Please pray my son who was born at 26 weeks, had a massive intraventricular hemorrhage, developed hydrocephalus and now has to undergo a fourth surgical procedure in 3 days. I am trusting God for a timely supernatural healing.
My dear friend in christ.
I know this post is 2 years late but I wanted to ask you to pray for my baby boy abel. I am 22 weeks pregnant and he’s been diagnosed with chd hypoplastic left heart syndrome his whole left side of his heart is underdeveloped and he will Nedd open heart surgery 3 different stages im asking gm for your prayers to heal him whole in jesus mighty name if you could remember him. In your prayer I am soo grateful katrina.
Dear Katrina, I join with you now in Jesus Name and come into agreement with you for the healing of your son. May the power of the Holy Spirit overshadow you now as he overshadowed Mary and Elisabeth and may his healing power flow through you to heal. We declare perfect development in Jesus name.
David m Taylor
Thank you i have been declaring gods healing over abel and thank you for praying with me bless you
Hey….I’m 20 years of age and my unborn baby is having hydrocephalus I need your prayers and healing upon my baby please.
Please pray for my little girl, I am 16 weeks pregnant with her. Genetic tests confirmed high risk for trisomy 18, my husband and I have opted out for amniocentesis to confirm results as we are keeping our child no matter what the diagnosis is. My 16 week scan was three days ago and it identified that my baby has club feet, overlapping fingers (both of which are markers of trisomy 18, and heart and brain defects. I have been suffering terrible migraines as I cry for my babies health and life. My brother died tragically a few months ago, about the exact time my baby was conceived. I believe with all my heart that God gave us this precious child to bring joy back into the lives of my family and for her to full-fill her God given purpose. I need your prayers to help keep my faith strong and to make my baby healthy and whole, no matter what the scans and doctors report have presented thus far. I need a miracle to happen here. My little angel needs God to heal her so that she can live her life for him.
Hi, my hubs and I received terrible news after our anatomy scan. 21 weeks and all we saw was a BEAUTIFUL baby boy, looked perfect. Then later that evening the Dr. called to inform us the report showed our sweet baby to have possible aqueduct stenosis that is preventing fluid from draining from his little brain and is causing part of his brain to swell. We are distraught, and scheduled to see a fetal specialist in a couple weeks. I can hardly eat or sleep- it’s like all the joy has been stolen. Please pray for us, for a miracle to occur in my womb as God works on him. We believe his work is not yet done. Please pray for him.
Please pray for my baby I’m 27 week and they said our baby might have his cerebellum missing and might of had a bleed or stoke in the womb help and prayers are appreciated
Please sendi prayers to my unborn baby. The scan showed that baby’s brain isn’t developing properly and if it progresses baby won’t survive outside womb. Doctor was asking if we would consider aborting. I do not believe in abortion and I believe God sent me my baby after many years of trying to remain faithful. I pray that God wraps his healing hands around my baby brain and helps to develop properly and helps develop my baby’s heart and closes the murmur. I pray that there will be no complications when my baby is outside the womb and the brain and heart continue to develop normally. Thank you in Jesus’s name I pray.
I am 24weeks pregnant,I did scan last week,and the doctors says my baby has hydrocyphalus …please pray for me .this is my first pregnancy
I plead you for your prayer for my precious baby. I am 29 weeks pregnant. After 3 years of long wait, we were able to conceive and now getting into 29 weeks, doctor has mentioned I have extra amniotic fluid in my sac and also the umbilical blood supply to my baby’s brain is impaired, my baby is underweight and they have mentioned I have high risk pregnancy. In scan they found baby has some issue with his intraocular eye measurement and with his fusion of forehead skull but they are unsure, his tip of penis (urethra) is not in the right position , again they are unsure. So many problems they said, I am unable to process them and even numb to think ahead and just submitting to God for His miracle recovery. I plead anyone who read this message kindly pray over my baby’s healing.
Hello, I was looking for someone’s story who was healed from hydrocephalus. My baby was diagnosed few days after birth at the NICU of hydrocephalus and had to do a first surgery. We have been in the hospital for almost two months and they doctor said that his head ventricles had grown. Please i need perfect healing for my innocent child, I believe that God can heal all diseases. Please i need a miracle..
Pray for us and our baby in the womb. We need a miracle. Pray for his brain.
Please pray for my baby, we found out our baby has a cleft lip & I know God can heal ,
Also has a two vessel cord , which could mean a lot growing problems in the next 10 weeks , I just am praying for a miracle that God get all the glory and Honor
Dear friends in Christ, After years of praying over my womb and breaking generational curses, I attended my 18 week anomaly scan and the docs and I saw that my baby had a cleft lip and no palate, I was born with a rare condition that also had the same problem, so that is why I was breaking genetic and generational curses for so long. I was devastated. But I have requested that we re-scan on the 24th of March and I told the docs that we will pray because all things are possible. I believe God can still form a palate for my baby and bring that upper lip together especially if he could put flesh on dry bones, with tendons and skin in the time of Ezekiel! I am having faith for my miracle, as long as this baby is in the womb God is not done forming the baby. Please do pray with me for God’s hand to move, thank you and God bless.
Why should God Just make miracles in the womb and Not now with you too? I have a severe disease i am Out If the womb i pray over me to BE healed too.
No the Lord can heal at all times and at every stage. The only difference is to what extent it is possible to involve the person receiving prayer.
Hello. Please pray with us for our unborn daughter. She has been diagnosed with a condition called isomerism which can affect the body’s organs but especially the heart. The doctors are telling us to expect that her heart will stop beating whilst I’m still carrying her, and even if she’s born she would require open heart surgery and maybe even a whole heart transplant to survive. She now also has hydrops and we’re being told she is in a critical state. Please cancel this diagnosis with us in Jesus’ name- we come to him in faith and await his healing!
May be, on first visit, the doctor did not examine the ultrasound carefully but on the second everything was perfect. And luckily Bob Hazlett took all the credit. This is disease, not a joke. You are making people fool, or may be Mr. Bob Hazlett has already made you..
Dear Sir/Madam,
Given that I have a Masters Degree in Experimental Psychology from Cambridge University, I am not easily fooled. Your assumption that it was a mistake with the ultrasound is rather insulting to the doctor involved. I don’t know about doctors in Japan but in most countries no doctor will tell a woman such devastating news without double-checking very carefully what he is looking at?
Secondly it doesn’t explain the factor that the mother began to vibrate in her whole body the moment I began to pray. Of course if this was an isolated incident in my life, we might look for such a simple explanation and move on. But it isn’t.
There are also countless other pieces to the whole puzzle that have led me to believe with conviction that God is real and that he truly sent his son Jesus to deal with sin, sickness and evil spirits and that he still works through believers to transform lives today.
For sceptical readers, I take them on personal journey in my book Faith Tech and go into plenty of detail there.
Could you pray for me. Nervous disease with extremst pain and Degeneration of nerves and muscles. Thank you doris
Dear Doris, In the Name of Jesus I pray now that all pain leaves your body and the the degeneration of nerves and muscles stop and be reversed. May the Lord deliver you from the spirit of infirmity that is attacking your body now, whatever the cause.
Can you pray for my daughters baby. She is currently pregnant and we were told the baby has alobar holoprosencephaly and he is not compatible with life. He has facil malformations but everything else is fine. Can you pray healing and cancel all malformations and complications in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus we cancel all the plans of the devil to destroy this wonderful precious gift of life. May the Lord heal the child completely.
🤰🤱👶🙏🤞 I’m pregna I’m desperately seeking prayers for a healthy growing baby inside my womb forming I’m desperately seeking for god to place his powerful almighty miracle blessings hands upon my womb to protect my baby inside my womb for god to blessed my baby with good health without any problems or complications with all his or hers ten fingers and ten toes with a healthy growth and develop I’m desperately seeking for god to take full control over my pregnancy journey’s to cover my baby under the shadows of his wings and keep my baby fully protected for god to fully take over my entire health to carry my baby full term nine month healthy successful growing pregnancy for god to be with me during my delivery of the birth of my child I’m desperately seeking for God’s holy spirit and his holy ghost and his holy blood to completely covered my baby completely to carry me through my pregnancy and give with to a healthy growing baby a safe delivery with God’s protections over my baby and I in the delivery room (JULY 10-2025 for god to see me through my pregnancy with all of God’s angels to walked with me and my baby 🙏🤰🤱👶🤞
Dear Julie, May the Lord bless you and the baby as it grows. Are there any particular reasons why you are concerned about the health of the Baby or are you just keen to have his fullest blessing?