A unique resource for flourishing kids

We all want to raise healthy kids. But what does it take to prepare them to face all the emotional and spiritual challenges that life throws at us? Despite their best efforts, most parents will encounter a time where their child seems to be struggling with issues that threaten their ability to thrive. Perhaps they’re hurting inside or battling destructive attitudes and behaviour. Maybe they just don’t seem to be quite themselves.

In Parents Empowered you’ll discover how, as a Christian parent, you can learn to discern problems and help children deal with issues before they take root. Drawing on examples from their own parenting and over twenty years of extensive prayer ministry experience, Daniel and Esther Baumgartner offer inspiring insights and a set of template prayers you can use to help your child flourish now and into adulthood:

  • Be a parent whose presence and prayers matter in your child’s life
  • Have a home where healing and freedom is normal
  • Help your child deal with emotional pain and hurts
  • Teach your child about sin and forgiveness
  • Equip your child to resist and overcome demonic influences or attacks

Start your family on a path to life-long emotional and spiritual wholeness by ordering your copy of this valuable resource today!

Click here or on the image to order the paperbook or kindle version on Amazon.de or your country Amazon site.

About Illustrations 

Parents Empowered contains insights and prayers for childrens and teens. While it is best to establish the right patterns as early as possible, you can still profit from this book, if your kids are already entering their teens. The fascinating illustrations reflect this by following the lives of a family as the kids grow up.

The amazingly talented Claudia Huber who you’ll find on Instagram under the name frischluftprinzessin (fresh air princess) illustrated real life scenarios or topics from the book. Creative Director David Taylor says “As a child I absolutely loved Richard Scarry Busy Busy world. Kids love to keep discovering new details. And they love a visual story, so I asked Claudia to develop a unique and memorable style and tell stories with the images that illustrate the five sections of the book. She has done an amazing job.”

Claudia and her husband are leaders at the Father’s House Church in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland.

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