
Refresh Newsletter Edition 2

Update – Mit Deutsch …. Ich habe wirklich erlebt, dass wir in den vorbereiteten Werken Gottes wandeln durften, wie es…

Meetings with Bob Hazlett

A good friend of ours Bob Hazlett was with us in Switzerland. Bob’s combination of anointing, supernatural gifts and solid…

Reflections on the Anointing

We need a greater understanding of the anointing. It is a substance, it is conferred and transferrable, it flows, it…

Undeserved financial miracles

Eeswar from Trivandrum is nine years old but he has a clear knowledge of his life’s calling: to worship God…

Discerning and testing

When I talk about miracles or the work of the Holy Spirit there are three typical reactions. Belief, unbelief or…

On building great leaders

David preaching about how the way Jesus deals with Peter is so completely different from our approaches to handling people.…

Ministering to orphans

Hearing the voice of God In the second session at the Bible school, I introduced the importance of deliverance and…